Tuesday 23 February 2010

Session Due - Reaseach & Books

Now after searching over and over for books that relate to my ideas, wether it was posters, mounting, legal issues with posters and so on; I have discovered that for one of my subjects, the main Subject to search would be Flyposters and it's legal rules, books about the art of mounting and a bit of the whole history of posters (which I have a good knowledge about). As for the second subject, I am starting by searching about Dyslexia and it's relation to reading or writing, and I have been sketching ideas, where I am trying to figure out Typefaces that could be helpful for dyslexic subjects.

Books that I have at the moments and I am doing intensive search in, include:
  • POSTER COLLECTION, Poster for Exhibitions 1980–2000, Essay by Stuart Bailey, Lars Muller Publishers, 2001.
  • FLYPOSTER, Posters from the Anticopyright Network, Matthew Fuller, Working Press, 1992.
  • UP AGAINST THE WALL, International Poster Design, Russell Bestley and Ian Noble, RotoVision, 2002.
  • READ REGULAR TM, For More Effective Reading and Writing, Unknown/NotClear, Natascha Frensch, 2003.
  • READING WITH WORDS IN COLOUR, A Scientific Study of the Problems of Reading, Caleb Gattegno, Educational Explorers, 1968.
  • PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR LIVING WITH DYSLEXIA, Maria Chivers, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2001.
  • UNDERSTANDING DYSLEXIA, An Introduction for Dyslexic Students in Higher Education, Jill Hammond and Fabien Hercules, The Glasgow School of Art, 2000 (Research Report).

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