Friday 5 March 2010

Session Tre – A Week Later...

Into the second/third week of unit 14, I have decided to take on the blog once or twice (if needed) a week. I'll log on and update my weekly notes on Steps & Walk with all the comments/remarks that I have accumulated since the last log.

Been trying to contact the dyslexic department at CSM, I have reached one person that isn't responsible of the dyslexic students, but she has been nice enough to forward my email to the person who is, Elaine Wallace.

No Answer from Elaine yet!!

Below is a few links that a friend forwarded me:

Notes & Key Words
  • Dyslexia= Difficulty + with words
  • short term memory system
  • difficulties in: Processing sound, co-ordination, visual processing and sequencing.
  • Time consumption
  • Problem in adding and subtracting words.
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Communication is Multi-tasking, therefore short memory is trying to classify too much information.
  • Problems in: remembering, oral skills, multi-action, numeracy, sequencing, concept of time, organization, time management, coordination, remembering detail, attention spam and concentration.

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